Last autumn we announced a large-scale project of analysis and assesment of the forest-timber sector potential for meeting the targets of the European Green Deal – of mitigating climate change simultaneously with supporting economic development. The project is now complete.

The forest-timber sector is a key component of the national Romanian economy, an engine of local development and support for rural communities in areas that depend on forests, and, above all, it has an unique potential to contribute to the environmental goals set by the European Green Deal.

At the same time, the sector as a whole contributes significantly to the carbon storage in wood products. Replacing non-renewable materials with wood products (including in energy production or construction) has the potential to further reduce the carbon footprint by up to 50%. Wood is a renewable resource, with low environmental impact in the production stage, biodegradable and easy to recycle at the end of its life cycle (in other products or energy).

The European goal of a circular, energy-efficient and climate-neutral economy can be only achieved in a timely manner by taking the most out of the benefits of forests and timber.

The Romanian Academy – the Department of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences “Gheorghe Ionescu-Șișești” – the Forestry Department, The National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry (INCDS) “Marin Drăcea” and the Romanian Wood Industry Association – Prolemn organized on May 25 the Symposium: The forest-timber sector in the context of climate change and its contribution to the development of the socio-economic system. The vision for 2030.

The works assessed the current and the potential impact, in the horizon of 2030, of the Forest-Timber based industry sector, in economic, social and in combating climate change, resulting in a Vision for 2030 – 10 targets for the Forest-Timber sector.

Download the presentations (in Romanian):